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Making Disciples on Campus
Who Impact the World

CCF is a non-denominational ministry on the campuses of UNC, ECU, NCSU, and UNCW. We also welcome all college students in those areas.

Our STUDENTS are active in the university community, sincere about their spiritual journey, and warmly welcome newcomers.

Our STAFF prioritize following Jesus personally, work closely with each other, and have years of experience investing in students.

Praising God and thankful for all who have committed so far for the 100 for $100 Campaign.

21% is 20 people, $2100/month of new giving.

“Nearly two-thirds of all young adults (18-29 year olds) who were once regular churchgoers have dropped out at one time or another.”
-Faith for Exiles, Kinnaman and Matlock (2019)

“If you are gonna have foundations of many generations, you’ve got to have foundations that won’t buckle under pressure.”
-Dawson Trotman (Founder of The Navigators)

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Pray for CCF!

  • For HEALTHY staff - BRIGHT student leaders - DEVOTED board members - GENEROUS supporters.

  • Guidance from the Holy Spirit to reach this generation.

  • Perseverance to operate excellently and minister with bold compassion.

To Parents

When it’s time for your child to start asking questions about college, it’s easy for them to get lost in all the options. In state or out? Who has the right program? North Carolina’s 16 institutions in the UNC system along with many others are competing for your student’s attention. Consider this question…

“Where can I best FOLLOW JESUS while in college?”

CCF is ready to come alongside your student and make the transition from youth group to campus ministry a successful one.

To Students

The world you are stepping into seems as unsettled as it’s been in decades. True peace can only be found in the One who is in control.

I hope someone has shown you what a genuine faith in Jesus looks like. The Creator of the Universe came to earth to show a better way to live and to make a way for us to rejoin his family and mission to put the world back together.

CCF can be the community you need to ask ANY question about faith, lean on in hard times, and of course have fun with!

Check us out! We look forward to meeting you.

Return on Investment

From baptisms to students making commitments to full-time ministry, God’s work is being done on our campuses! In addition to praying FOR us and directing students TO us, we’d like for you to…

prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner.

America is more expensive than most mission fields! For us to continue to minister to our students there is a hefty price tag. We can not be here without the support of all who value our ministry and are capable of supporting.

To make a tax-deductible donation, donate securely ONLINE with the button below or MAIL checks to Campus Christian Fellowship to our NEW address…

PO BOX 12131

NEW Contact Info.

Campus Christian Fellowship
PO BOX 12131
Wilmington, NC 28405

Glen Titus, ministry director
(910) 471-5895